Virtual Calming Room
Welcome to the Virtual Calming Room! Here, you and your families can find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings during challenging times.
¡Bienvenido al Aula Virtual de la Calma! Aquí, usted y sus familias pueden encontrar herramientas y estrategias para gestionar las emociones y los sentimientos en momentos difíciles.
Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.
Credit: This website was made possible through the resources available on the CNUSD Virtual Calming Room and the ASCA Presentation provided by Alexis Goddard, School Counselor and Josh Godinez, School Counselor - Centennial High School, Corona, CA
Sonido y Música
Sonido y Música
Meditaciones Guiadas
Meditaciones Guiadas
Relajación Visual
Relajación Visual
Cámaras de Animales en Directo
Cámaras de Animales en Directo
Visitas Virtuales
Visitas Virtuales
Citas Motivadoras
Citas Motivadoras
Controlar la Ansiedad
Controlar la Ansiedad